NEW: U/S-shaped frame
UON and DUON U-Shaped Head and neck masks and Duon S-Shaped Head, neck and shoulders masks combine the unique features of U-Plast
thermoplastic material with a newly designed U- and S-shaped frame that is stronger with an improved bending stiffness.
This leads to a more sturdy mask.
NEW: T-shaped pins
New T-shaped pins in DUON increase user friendliness in that they are more easy to attach to and release from a base plate.
The pins are available as a separate item so they can easily be replaced when necessary.
Antibacterial, non-stick coating
Each mask is treated with a unique water-based non-stick coating with antibacterial properties.
The coating avoids sticking of the mask to skin, hair and hardware and its antibacterial properties (*) prevent
cross-contamination in a hospital environment.
Thermoplastic properties
UON and DUON masks offer a high and reliable quality with controlled low shrinkage. This results in high accuracy,
high ease of use and increased patient throughput.
They become mouldable at 65°C – 70°C (149°F – 158°F) and can immediately be placed on the patient’s face after they are towel dried.
The low molding temperature of these masks significantly increases patient comfort.
The new UON and DUON masks are compatible for use with virtually all base plate hardware. Orfit also offers a full range of carbon fibre
laminate and high density plates and couch extensions for use with UON and DUON.
* show a reduction of >99,99% of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia colli (EC) and Vancomycin-Enterococci (VRE).